
She is really strong but also cautious! Especially when she was spied on before, she had lost her track. She was very cautious. But she has remembered the smell of peeping at her. Whether Chan Zeng is killed or captured,…


I feel that a big company will catch up. Although the members of this company are somewhat complicated, they come from different dynasties … But fortunately, their personal abilities are not bad and they are cooperative enough. Su Wei gave…


It’s a new day when the night passes and the sun rises in Fusang Prefecture. When the sun shines from the east, people walk out of their temporary shelters again. It’s not that they don’t want to go back to…


Make an appointment with toad to continue Yang Xiu’s class. In fact, the high school curriculum is not tense, although there is a so-called college entrance examination, but it is not intense The so-called college entrance examination is not a…


"Ten percent?" Zhou Jia footsteps slightly nodded slowly. "That’s fine!" As an individual, he can’t share the great cause of his family unless he can occupy an overwhelming advantage by himself. Moreover, it is good that the outside law and…


Shao Ziwei told him that the central issue turned red and said, "Uncle Miao is really joking. We are eager to have a great expert like you to teach us when practicing fencing." Miao Changfeng smiled and said, "Do experts…


Running at full capacity for 20 minutes can save one hour. Isn’t it six hours for this pool to save points? It seems that I saw Yip Han’s idea, and the pianist made a heavy supplement. "This kind of pool…


Of course, very few people know that this is actually a charging indicator light. "Bang, bang, bang …" The low and regular sound kept spreading, and the volcano maker finally emerged from the sea. It operated like a water pump,…